Podaljšan rok za prijavo do 31.1.2025.
Področje intervenc s pomočjo konja predstavlja priložnost za strokovno specializacijo različnih poklicnih profilov.
Working in a team with a horse and alongside a horse is very demanding, as it is necessary to master a wide range of special skills: knowledge about horses, professional knowledge, communication and social skills for working with people and the ability to cooperate in a team. The good training of all participating professionals and their attitude and openness to lifelong education are extremely important.
Zavod Nazaj na konja se zato že vrsto let ukvarja z razvojem izobraževalnega sistema na področju intervenc s pomočjo konja in izvaja različne vrste izobraževalnih programov za delo na področju terapije in aktivnosti s pomočjo konja.
V šolskem letu 2025/2026 vpisujemo v:
Scope and duration of the program
The educational program, which is highly interdisciplinary, lasts 18 months and comprises 600 teaching hours divided into nine different content modules and an additional exam module.
Module 1: General knowledge about horses, education and training
Module 2: Theoretical starting points in horse-assisted therapies
Module 3: Target groups of users of equine therapy and different treatment approaches
Module 4: Preparation of working conditions, planning, monitoring and analysis of therapeutic treatment with the help of a horse
Module 5: Direct implementation of therapeutic treatment with the help of a horse
Module 6: Insurance-legal and organizational issues
Module 7: Optional optional module - study visit abroad
Module 8: Independent work and experience
Module 9: Presentation of independent work and experience
Module 10: Exams
Lectures are held in Slovenian and partly in English.
There are 20 places available in the study group.
Enrollment conditions
- completed VI./2nd level of relevant education – professionals in the field of healthcare, education or social care,
- at least 3 years of experience working with people,
- desirable previous experience working with horses and knowledge of dressage riding at the basic level.
Professional title
After successfully completing the training, the student acquires the professional title "Therapist for the implementation of therapeutic treatments with the help of horses", abbreviated "Therapist for TPK".
Registration fee and payment terms
The registration fee for enrolling in the educational program is EUR 3,600.00 including VAT.
Kurikul s podrobnejšimi informacijami o izobraževanju
Brošura Izobraževalni program »Terapevt za izvajanje terapije s pomočjo konja
Scope and duration of the program
The educational program, which was created based on the need for properly qualified assistants to participate in therapeutic treatments with the help of a horse, lasts 18 months and comprises 360 teaching hours, divided into nine different content modules and an additional exam module.
Module 1: General knowledge about horses, education and training
Module 2: Theoretical starting points in horse-assisted therapies
Module 3: Target groups of users of equine therapy and different treatment approaches
Module 4: Preparation of working conditions, planning, monitoring and analysis of therapeutic treatment with the help of a horse
Module 5: Direct implementation of therapeutic treatment with the help of a horse
Module 6: Insurance-legal and organizational issues
Module 7: Optional optional module - study visit abroad
Module 8: Independent work and experience
Module 9: Presentation of independent work and experience
Module 10: Exams
Lectures are held in Slovenian and partly in English.
There are 20 places available in the study group.
Enrollment conditions
- completed V. level of education in any field,
- at least 3 years of experience working with people,
- desirable previous experience working with horses and knowledge of dressage riding at the basic level.
Professional title
After successful completion of the training, the student obtains the professional title "Therapist's assistant for the implementation of therapy with the help of a horse", abbreviated as "TPK assistant".
Registration fee and payment terms
The registration fee for enrollment in the educational program is EUR 2,700.00 including VAT.
Kurikul s podrobnejšimi informacijami o izobraževanju
Brošura Izobraževalni program »Pomočnik za izvajanje terapije s pomočjo konja«
Scope and duration of the program
The educational program, which was created based on the need for highly qualified and properly trained horse handlers, especially in therapeutic treatments with the help of horses, lasts 4 months and comprises 90 teaching hours, divided into four different content modules and an additional exam module.
Module 1: General knowledge about horses, education and training
Module 2: Theoretical starting points in horse-assisted therapies
Module 3: Management of the horse during therapeutic treatment and activities with the assistance of the horse
Module 4: Implementation and presentation of an independent project assignment
Module 5: Exams
Lectures are held in Slovenian and partly in English.
There are 20 places available in the study group.
Enrollment conditions
- Completed at least IV. level of education of any field,
- at least 1 year of experience working with people,
- at least 3 years of experience working with horses,
- the knowledge of lunging a horse,
- knowledge of dressage riding at the basic level.
Professional title
After successful completion of the training, the student obtains the professional title of "Horse handler in intervention programs with the help of horses", abbreviated as "Horse handler at IPK".
Registration fee and payment terms
The registration fee for enrollment in the educational program is EUR 1,200.00 including VAT.
Kurikul s podrobnejšimi informacijami o izobraževanju
Brošura Izobraževalni program »Vodnik konja v programih A/TPK«
Scope and duration of the program
The educational program, which represents a novelty in Slovenia and the wider European area, lasts 4 months and comprises 120 teaching hours, divided into six different content modules and an additional exam module.
Module 1: General knowledge about horses, education and training
Module 2: Theoretical starting points in horse-assisted therapies
Module 3: Learning about different target groups of users
Module 4: Preparation of working conditions, planning and direct implementation of horse-assisted activity programs (APK)
Module 5: Insurance legal and organizational issues
Module 6: Creation and presentation of an independent project assignment and experience
Module 7: Exams
Lectures are held in Slovenian and partly in English.
There are 20 places available in the study group.
Enrollment conditions
- completed IV. or V. level of education in any field,
- at least 1 year of experience working with people,
- at least 3 years of experience working with horses,
- desirable previous experience working with horses and knowledge of dressage riding at the basic level.
Professional title
After successful completion of the training, the student obtains the professional title "Expert associate / associate in programs of activities with the help of horses", abbreviated "Expert associate / associate in programs of APK".
Registration fee and payment terms
The registration fee for enrolling in the educational program is EUR 2,400.00 including VAT.
Kurikul s podrobnejšimi informacijami o izobraževanju
Brošura Izobraževalni program »Strokovni sodelavec za aktivnosti s pomočjo konja«
We follow educational trends and needs by constantly supplementing and upgrading existing ones and developing new ones. Internationally renowned Slovenian and other European lecturers participate in our programs.
Lectures are held in Slovenian and partly in English. The learning content is given in the form of theoretical lectures, practical workshops, internships, simulations and other forms of work that enable students to gain direct experience, skills and competences according to the principles of the modern way of studying.
Podrobnejše informacije najdete v zgornjih opisih izobraževalnih programov. Prilagamo tudi brošuro – PREDSTAVITEV IZOBRAŽEVALNIH PROGRAMOV.
1. E-prijavo oddate preko tega obrazca. Rok za zbiranje prijav: 31. januar 2025.
2. Po e-pošti nam na naslov posredujete še naslednje obvezne priloge:
– Priloga I: Fotokopija diplome
– Priloga II: Predmetnik zaključenega študijskega programa/ seznam opravljenih izpitov
– Priloga III: Dokazila o izkušnjah pri delu s konji
– Priloga IV: Dokazila o izkušnjah pri delu z ljudmi
3. Do 10.2. vam potrdimo, ali je vaša prijava popolna (v kolikor manjka kakšno dokazilo, vas pozovemo k dopolnitvi). Sporočimo vam tudi, ali je skupina zapolnjena in kdaj naj bi se izobraževanje pričelo (predvidoma marec 2025).
– navedite št. let izkušenj pri delu s konji, naziv jahalne šole oz. strokovnega delavca, pri katerem ste se izobraževali, nivo znanja jahanja, opravljeni seminarji, tečaji, izobraževanja s področja konjeništva (Dokazila predložite kot Priloga III)
– opišite izkušnje pri delu z ljudmi: navedite št. let izkušenj pri delu z ljudmi; zapišite seznam organizacij, kjer ste opravljali delo z ljudmi; navedite, kaj je vaše delo obsegalo in katerim ciljnim skupinam ste se posvečali? (Dokazila predložite kot Priloga IV, ki obsega: reference delodajalcev ali potrdila o prostovoljnem delu ter morebitne dodatne kvalifikacije in izobraževanja, ki se nanašajo na področje dela z ljudmi)
Višina kotizacije:
Ob prejemu vaše prijave vam bomo posredovali predračun za plačilo kotizacije.
V 8 delovnih dneh po prejemu predračuna je potrebno plačati avans v višini 10% zneska kotizacije, da vas lahko vpišemo v evidenco prijavljenih kandidatov.
Ostanek do polnega zneska izobraževanja se plača najkasneje 30 dni pred pričetkom izobraževanja.
V primeru odstopa od izobraževanja se že plačan znesek 10% avansa ne povrne.
Therapist for performing therapy with the help of a horse
3.600 €
including VAT.
An assistant for performing horse-assisted therapy
2.700 €
including VAT.
The horse's guide to horse-assisted intervention programs
1.200 €
including VAT.
Expert associate for carrying out activities with the help of a horse
2.400 €
including VAT.